
Wepresentaneuralnetworkmodel-basedonCNNs,RNNsandanovelattentionmechanism-whichachieves84.2%accuracyonthechallengingFrenchStreetName ...,AttentionOCR历史意义:开创了基于attention机制建模OCR问题的先河。本文主要结构如下:一、Abstract.介绍提出attention-basedOCR模型的优势.,由QiGuo和YuntianDeng共同开发的开源项目——Attention-OCR,引入了一种创新的视觉注意力机制,旨在提升OCR系统的准确性和效率。它利用卷积...


We present a neural network model - based on CNNs, RNNs and a novel attention mechanism - which achieves 84.2% accuracy on the challenging French Street Name ...

Attention-OCR(Attention-based Extraction of Structured ...

Attention OCR 历史意义: 开创了基于attention机制建模OCR问题的先河。 本文主要结构如下: 一、Abstract. 介绍提出attention-based OCR模型的优势.


由Qi Guo和Yuntian Deng共同开发的开源项目——Attention-OCR,引入了一种创新的视觉注意力机制,旨在提升OCR系统的准确性和效率。它利用卷积神经网络(CNN)和 ...

採用Google AI 技術的OCR

輕鬆擷取圖片和文件中的文字與資料、將非結構化內容轉換為符合企業需求的結構化資料,並取得寶貴的洞察資訊。 您可以透過API 將OCR 功能整合至應用程式。

attention ocr

Attention OCR(注意力OCR)是一种结合了注意力机制的OCR(光学字符识别)技术。下面我将为您解释其基础概念、优势、类型、应用场景以及可能遇到的问题和解决方法。

da03Attention-OCR: Visual Attention based OCR

Visual Attention based OCR. The model first runs a sliding CNN on the image (images are resized to height 32 while preserving aspect ratio).

emedvedevattention-ocr: A Tensorflow model for text ...

A Tensorflow model for text recognition (CNN + seq2seq with visual attention) available as a Python package and compatible with Google Cloud ML Engine.

AttentionOCR TensorFlow Model

Attention-based Extraction of Structured Information from Street View Imagery. A TensorFlow model for real-world image text extraction problems.

attention ocr PyTorch Model

attention-ocr. A pytorch implementation of attention based ocr. This repo is still under development. Inspired by the tensorflow attention ocr created by google ...

I cannot get the google-attention-ocr

The project moved into the research subfolder of tensorflow/models . The new correct link is: ...